We take thousand of decisions and may be more than that in our sub conscious mind every singe day. What we do in our decisions is choose ... we choose every single second what we gonna do next, we choose what we think, we choose whom we are with , we choose every single thing. Some of these are informed decisions on what we think more and some of them are very impulsive and quick. Decisions of choice is what we do and these things are all depends on what are priorities in life is and all this will determine what will our future will be , how it would look like. If we can make our choices right, we will head in the right direction and will achieve what we aim for in anything we want to do.
We even choose every single word we speak, these thought process are so quick and so often that we dont even realize that we took a decision to speak one word instead of other. Millions of thought process within the super processor of our body called Brain.
Our choices will make us succeed or will lead us to failure...
Who to admire or blame for this.. Nobody else its you.. Yes you only got inspired or got influenced by somebody in a positive or a negative way.. But at the end of the day its you, who took the decision..
So be proud of your success and don't blame others for your failure..Learn from your own and others mistake, so that you are are able to make better decisions kin future... Success does not come easily and is like a stranger, when it will meet us , it wont teach us any lesson .... On the other hand failure is like our true friend /family which will teaches us lesson.. Scold or guide us when we do something wrong.. So we can better things next time... Failure is not a negative term, but its inspiration to achieve better results next time....
Do we stop talking to our family and friends when they advise or suggest something we did wrong...!!! or fot that matter Do our friends and family will stop scolding/suggesting for our next mistake .. no matter how we treat them ... No they wont... Because they want our good..... and so as Failure... So always treat Failure as your true friend who always shows you a path to success....
Success is sweet, shy and reserved ... Your have to approach and try hard to achieve it ...
Failure is bold , outspoken and very bitter but what lessons it teaches you only help you in achieving higher success ....
As Thomas Edison said : "I failed my way to success"
And who does not know how many times Edison has failed before he mastered and conquered success and changed our life forever..So, really how sooner or later you succeed will mostly depends on how much did you learn from your failure... Failures is almost like one more step on the road which leads to success..
Steps of failure leading to success
As also mention in one of the most inspirational books I have read (The monk who sold hie Ferrari) which can bring improvement in anybody's life and make the journey of life a more rewarding and fulfilling.
" 'There are no mistakes in life,
only lessons. There is no such thing as a negative experience, only
opportunities to grow, learn and advance along the road of selfmastery.
From struggle comes strength. Even pain can be a
wonderful teacher.' "
So make the right choices whether it is about taking a decision, choosing a friend, accepting failure as learning experience and trying that one more time.
Whatever you do or get involved in "Your choices and only your choices will determine your future....."
Good Luck :)
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