Definition of Success is very personal and varies from person to person. But the key attributes for success in anything remains the same.
Success demands hard work
Success demands patience
Success demands willingness
Success demands Self motivation
Success demands focus
Success demands defining priorities
Success demands belief in what you are doing and being optimistic.
Success demands change if needed
Success demands correction and improvement
Success even demands innovation (doing things out of box)
I think people who have achieved success in anything can relate to these aspects in one way or the other.
As it is rightly said "Success is a journey and not a destination"
I like the definition of success so clearly defined by Vic Conant's (chairman of Nightingale-Conant)
Success is not a matter of luck, circumstance or fate, but a direct consequence of having specific, measurable goals with a plan of action to achieve them.

So, these attributes we not only need in ourselves ,at any one point in time but at all times. And I think the key ingredient is 'Belief' ,if you believe in something everything else will follow.
If you believe, you will be motivated enough to do the hard work and able to focus and define the priorities, and change things for better after evaluating. Also it will help you in being patient in what you do, try to think out of box to be different and hence achieve success.

Continuously believing in something is not an easy task because it causes a lot of pain when things go wrong and we want to quit becasue thats an easier option rather than continuosly taking the pain . We tend to see short term benefit rather than seeing what we can achieve if we pursue our dreams that we believe in. When we believe in something, we have the faith that it would give us the best of what we deserve if we keep on giving our 100 % to it. Success is usually a step away when you choose to give up, and it is ok to be tired. All big achievements came after ridiculous number of failure.
As it is said and proved time and again "Most of the people quit at 99 % "

But yes it is human to quit if things do not go right even after trying everything. Qutting is not essentially forgetting our dreams and not following them anymore. Rather, it should be about finding alternative ways , different strategies or may be doing a different thing altogether. Something that would give us the same satisfaction and success which the first one would have given , had things gone well and we would have achieved what we aimed for.
My Defintion of Success :
"If you have not succeeded that means you have not tried hard enough"
Its quite related to the quote .
Losers try and Winners do it.
Winners do what losers refuse to try!"
Everybody tries and not all win. Winners are those who try that extra bit ,that final bit stretching ourselves to do what will get success."Tough Times Never Last but Tough people do" and these are the people who act differently, see differently and do things differently and achieve success following and believing their Dream Path.
When I was trying to find some images to support the article I found a link to an audio book , I didnt think twice and bought it. I would have uploaded it but I dont want to encourage piracy and want to devalue someone's dedicated work.
But please find the link for the same to buy it . I can assure its worth it.