Everyone dreams but only a few dare or I would say are capable enough to really achieve them. People have different skill set and hence potential of doing certain things in certain way and also to certain limit. I believe it is not about what you are, rather it is more about what you can be. How much you can strive to unleash that potential in you, take that pain to reach the target you set for yourself, to fulfil the dreams you have dreamt of.
Like I wrote in my blog :
Impossible' is just a big word thrown around by few small men who find it easier to live in the world they have been given than to explore the power they have to change it.
Impossible is not a fact. It is an opinion.
Impossible is not a declaration . It's a dare. Impossible is potential.
I believe impossible is nothing. It’s not what it is, it is how you see it is. "I m possible "

Coming back to my point, many of us make the efforts but they are scattered, and they are into pieces or into different directions. A force of a water pushed with a right pace and direction can move the turbine fast enough to produce Electricity (Goal achieved).
One can be motivated enough to achieve his goals, dreams and even put it into action, but what will make his/her dream come true is the combined action in the right direction.
When we say 'unity is strength'; It applies to an individual as well, if you prove unity in your actions and put it in the right direction, you will have enough strength to achieve your goal.
If you live for your goals you definitely need a road ahead (directions) to reach the goal that you have aimed for.

As mentioned in the great book Think and Grow Rich
"Knowledge is Potential Power , It becomes power only when if it is organised into definite plans of actions and directed to a definite end.
Knowledge is will not attract money unless it is organised and intelligently directed trough practical plans of actions to definite end of accumulation of money."
+ Strategise
+ Action
+ Evaluate
+ Action
+ Revaluate
= Success
= Success